Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture Teleorman


Together for your business!

Certificates of origin

The certificate of origin is a document used in international trade that certifies that the goods were produced in a particular country.


We organize professional training courses in different fields.
See our offer and contact us for more details and registration.
Enroll in a course.

Advertising design

Illuminated advertisements
Business cards
Order now!

Business community

Together for your business!
Join the business community of Teleorman

Be part of our community and benefit from business opportunities and services permanently adapted to your needs. The Teleorman Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture is, according to Law 335/2007, regarding the Romanian Chambers of Commerce, it is an autonomous, non-governmental organization, of public utility, apolitical, non-patrimonial, non-profit, with legal personality, created to represent , defends and supports the interests of its members and of the business community in relation to public authorities and bodies in the country and abroad.

  • Consultant # 1
  • Trainings #2
  • Fairs & Exhibitions #3
  • Business transfer #4


Start in antreprenoriat inovativ in regiunea SM - Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta consolidarea gradului de ocupare al absolventilor de invatamant superior in domenii de activitate identificate ca fiind de viitor in vederea dezvoltarii unei economii competitive bazata pe cunoastere, prin promovarea culturii antreprenoriale in randul studentilor la nivelul regiunii Sud-Muntenia.

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